蘋果宣布 iPad 2 - 更快,更薄,更輕,更好地執行

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註冊時間: 2011-03-03, 11:00

蘋果宣布 iPad 2 - 更快,更薄,更輕,更好地執行

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蘋果宣布 iPad 2 - 更快,更薄,更輕,更好地執行


首先第一件事情,顯然是iPad2快於原先iPad 1,採用A5的芯片和雙核心處理器。蘋果公司擁有 2倍於原來的速度,和圖形 processor是9x的更快速度。

隨著性能,iPad2的外形較小。據測定,它的厚度小於 33%的iPhone 4。它修剪一些體重到 1.3磅。 (相比1.5磅ipad)。

附加功能排除在iPad的發現他們的方式去“2”。該 iPad2將有一個後方和前面鏡頭。另一個實用的功能是能夠通過一個HDMI連接。它支持高達 1080p的分辨率,所有的應用程序可以利用。

隨著硬件,軟件方面的iPad2看到了升級。該裝置將採用的iOS 4.3。 Safari會在這個平台上有更好的表現。此外,將有一個 iTunes家庭共享功能,允許用戶通過 WiFi訪問他們的內容。

蘋果的iPad 2將具有相同的定價結構:

無線版本:16GB的(500美元),32GB的(600美元),和64GB($ 700)
3G版本:16GB的(630美元)的,32GB($730),和64GB($ 830)

2011年3月11日在美國該裝置將開始出貨。您將能得到它的黑色或白色無論從 AT&T或Verizon公司。 3月25日,在26個其他國家將開始出貨。

Apple's iPad 2 Was Announced - Faster, Thinner, Lighter, Perform Better

The Apple's iPad2 was announced today. Here are the new features, performance, upgrade software and more.

First things first, apparently the sequel will be faster than the original, sporting an A5 chip and a dual-core processor. Apple boasts 2x the speed of the original, and the graphics processor is 9x faster.

Along with performance, the iPad2's form factor will be smaller. According to measurements, it's 33% thinner than the iPhone 4. It has trimmed some weight too, coming in at 1.3 lbs. (compared to the 1.5 lbs iPad).

Additional features left out of the iPad have found their way to "2". The iPad2 will have a rear and front-facing camera, something many were extremely peeved was left out of the iPad. Another neat feature is the ability to stream out through a HDMI connection. It supports up to a 1080p resolution, which all apps can take advantage of.

Along with the hardware, the software side of the iPad2 saw an upgrade. The device will utilize iOS 4.3. Safari will perform better within this platform. Also, there will be an iTunes home sharing features which allows users to access their content over WiFi.

The Apple's iPad 2 will have the same pricing structure:

WiFi version: 16GB ($500), 32GB ($600), and 64GB ($700)
3G version: 16GB ($630), 32GB ($730), and 64GB ($830)

The device will start shipping on March 11, 2011 in the USA. You will be able to get it in black or white from either AT&T or Verizon. On March 25, it will arrive in 26 other countries.

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