Supplements For Dry Skin

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Supplements For Dry Skin

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Supplements For Dry Skin

Key to healthy skin need not always be just skin deep, apart from regular topical applications, consumption of proper supplements can effectively cure the itchy and unsightly dry skin conditions that many suffer from. There are umpteen natural and cosmetic solutions to treat dry skin problems, but not all of them may suit every skin texture. Supplements in form of vitamins, fatty acids, antioxidants, and sulfur compounds help restore the much needed balance in the skin and restore the suppleness. These supplements can be found in form of gels, capsules, or edible oils. Let us dig into the most popular supplements to treat dry skin condition in natural way.

Fish Oil Supplement:

Fish oil supplements have been found of miraculous help in treating and preventing the dry skin situation. The logic behind this is the abundant amount of essential fatty acids found in its crux. These fatty acids are ALA, and LA, which trigger the activity of essential oils beneath our skin surface. Ultimately, you are gifted with glowing, plump and supple skin, and get rid of dry and flaky ones.

Vitamin Supplements:

Vitamins B, C, A, E, and K are crucial to skin health. Vitamin A has retinoid, which clears the flakiness of skin, and irons out the wrinkles. Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory, and sun protecting properties. Vitamin B, is popular inclusion in many moisturizers, and therefore it moisturizes the skin to deep. Vitamin E, and K are known to enhance the collagen makeover beneath the skin. Collagen is essential for elasticity, and suppleness of skin.

Zinc and Selenium:

Zinc is mineral supplements which trigger the action of oil producing glands. Selenium on the other hand works in same wavelength with Vitamin E, and increases the elasticity of skin. They also help in preventing UV damage.

Beta-Carotene:Beta - Carotene Supplement

Beta- carotene is an important carotenoid (antioxidant like pigment found in colorful fruits, and vegetables), which scavenge the damaging free radicals and impart strength to skin tissues. It can be taken in conjunction with Vitamin A supplements.

L- Cysteine:

L- cysteine is a kind of sulfur supplement, which is vital for healthy, glowing, and supple skin throughout. It comes in the form of encapsulated gels, and tablets.

Tremella Mushrooms:

Tremella mushrooms are finding huge attention due to their water absorbing properties. The botanical has been extensively researched for the antioxidant chemical found in its core. Chinese women have been using this mushroom for its skin hydrating properties.

Auxiliary Supplements:
  • Some of the miscellaneous supplements could be evening primrose, which has skin toning properties.
    Aloe vera gel, which is assumed to be an age old remedy for dry, and itchy skin.
    Lemon grass is known to iron out the wrinkles, and is deemed to have age defying properties bestowed in it.
    Rose wood oil maintains a nice balance of fluid beneath the skin surface.
With these popular supplements, one can gleefully bid adieu to dry skin conditions, and enjoy the well-being of skin health.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera
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