2008北京奧運會開幕式 Beijing 2008 Olympics Games (DVD)

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註冊時間: 2007-08-23, 03:43
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2008北京奧運會開幕式 Beijing 2008 Olympics Games (DVD)

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2008北京奧運會開幕式 國際版 (DVD)

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由中國大導演張藝謀策劃,開幕式由2008名鼓手操縱一面會發光的古代樂器缶出場;進場時由九歲女孩林妙可演唱「歌唱祖國」,連同象徵中國56個民族的兒童代表共同托舉中華人民共和國國旗步入會場。文藝表演以中國的四大發明來展示中國悠遠流長的文化,當中包括了「孔聖教儒」、「漢唐盛世」、「少林功夫」、「舞龍」、「漢字的演變」等環節。在全個文藝表演中,還有中樂表演、郎朗鋼琴演奏、崑曲戲曲、2008人太極拳、中國歌手劉歡和英國女高音Sarah Brightman合唱的「我和你」,以及全晚間不斷的精彩煙花盛況。經過204個國家和地區的運動員進場後,由「體育王子」李寧以鋼絲吊至空中,漫步環繞會場一周後在空中以引火道點燃主火炬。此部分由香港武術指導程小東經悉心指導。

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On August 8, 2008 at 8pm, the XXIX Olympic Games kicked off in Beijing, China with a spectacular Opening Ceremony directed by choreographer Zhang Jigang and renowned filmmaker Zhang Yimou (Hero, Curse of the Golden Flower). The beating of drums and dazzling bursts of fireworks set the stage for an amazing display of traditional Chinese culture and performing arts as hundreds of performers in elaborate costumes danced, drummed, and performed martial arts in perfect unison for what many have called the most impressive Olympics Opening Ceremony ever. Athletes from over 200 countries around the world entered the Beijing National Stadium for the parade of nations, the order of which was determined by the stroke number of the countries' Chinese names. NBA player and local hero Yao Ming carried the flag for Team China.

Coming to DVD at lightning speed, The Opening Ceremony Of The Beijing 2008 Olympics Games records the magnificent Opening Ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, from the firework opening to the lighting of the cauldron by former Olympics gymnast Li Ning.

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